Barcode can't be read with XP



I recently upgraded multiple machines from Windows 2000 to XP Professional.
The first machine I setup, I installed SP2, then came to find out that when
scanning a barcode, my program could not read and interupt the information.
So, thinking it was an SP2 problem, I setup my other machine with XP
Professional, but kept it at SP1. Same issue when trying to scan. Below I
have listed a copy of my source. If anyone knows where I could get help to
solve this problem, i'd really appreciate it. NOTE: If you do a search for
"BatchScan Read_Barcode Error Reading Barcode. Return Code:" you will find
where my code runs into a problem.

Thanx in advance,


Public Function Read_Barcode() As String(
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

Dim strBarCodes() As String
Dim pixBarCode As PixEzRegion
Dim bminfo As BITMAP
Dim srcBM As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00
Dim x As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00
Dim dstDC As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00
Dim srcDC As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00
Dim bmSize As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00
Dim bmBits As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00
Dim dstBM As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00
Dim B As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00
Dim A As Long ' not declared -- two 02/24/00

pgmState = ss40_Read_Barcode

'Creates a new Region object on a specified PixEzImage control.
Set pixBarCode = pixScan.RegionCreate

'specifies where to look for barcode (Sets the positions of a region in
pixBarCode.Top = 0
pixBarCode.Left = 0
pixBarCode.Width = (8 * pixScan.ScanResolution)
pixBarCode.Height = (5 * pixScan.ScanResolution)

'Copies the selected or specified region’s image to the Windows clipboard

OpenClipboard (frmScan.hwnd)
srcBM = GetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP)

x = w32GetObject(srcBM, Len(bminfo), bminfo)

'Get Device Context for copy
dstDC = CreateCompatibleDC(frmScan.hdc)
srcDC = CreateCompatibleDC(frmScan.hdc)

'Allocate memory for the bitmap
bmSize = ((bminfo.bmWidth / 16) + 1) * bminfo.bmHeight
bmBits = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, bmSize)

'By creating a bitmap with only 1 bit per pixel the barcode sw can read it
dstBM = CreateBitmap(bminfo.bmWidth, bminfo.bmHeight, 0, 1, bmBits)

'You need to select the bitmap into the device context
B = SelectObject(srcDC, srcBM)
A = SelectObject(dstDC, dstBM)

'Now do the copy
x = BitBlt(dstDC, 0, 0, bminfo.bmWidth, bminfo.bmHeight, srcDC, 0, 0,

'Now the barcode read will work
x = axrBarCode.ReadBarcodeBitmap(dstBM, 200, 200)

'DJP 08/26/2000
If x <> 0 And x <> 48 Then ' If not readOK and not No Barcode
MsgBox ("BatchScan Read_Barcode Error Reading Barcode. Return Code:"
& x)
App.LogEvent Now & " Error Reading Barcode. Return Code:" & x,
End If

'this is how many barcodes it found in the "region"
Select Case axrBarCode.ReadOutCount

Case 0
'It is a non-separator sheet, pass a zero to Process_Image
ReDim strBarCodes(1)
strBarCodes(0) = "0"

Case 1
'Only 1 barcode present; It's a document or a subcomponent
'Really we do the same thing for both, BUT we want to
'validate that it is either one or the other.
ReDim strBarCodes(1)
If axrBarCode.ReadOutString = "DOCSEP" Or _
Left(axrBarCode.ReadOutString, 10) = "SUBCOMPSEP" Then
'it's a document or subcomponent, pass the code
strBarCodes(0) = axrBarCode.ReadOutString
'it's neither
strBarCodes(0) = "0"
End If

Case 2
'Two barcodes present; It's a batch
ReDim strBarCodes(2)

'readoutindex is the index pointing to which barcode when more
than one was found
axrBarCode.ReadOutIndex = 0

'checking 1st barcode's readoutstring
If axrBarCode.ReadOutString = "BATSEP" Then
'passing code...
strBarCodes(0) = axrBarCode.ReadOutString
strBarCodes(0) = "0"
End If

'storing away 2nd barcode's readoutstring
axrBarCode.ReadOutIndex = 1
strBarCodes(1) = axrBarCode.ReadOutString

Case Else
strBarCodes(0) = "0"

End Select

'Cleanup by deleting the DC's
x = SelectObject(srcDC, B)
x = SelectObject(dstDC, A)
DeleteObject (dstBM)
DeleteObject (srcBM)
DeleteDC (srcDC)
DeleteDC (dstDC)
x = CloseClipboard()

'free the memory that contains the bitmap
GlobalFree (bmBits)
Read_Barcode = strBarCodes

Exit Function

ErrorCheck "Batch Scan - Read_Barcode ", Err.Description, Err.Number

End Function


We have experienced the same problem. We have a manufacturing system with
reports containing embedded code 39 barcodes. On changing over some machines
to Xp, the barcodes print but are less defined and don't scan. Same report
from 2000 or 98 print OK on same printer ???

Hope someone out there has an answer !


Embarrasingly simple solution. The barcode was set to print in BOLD. Switch
this off it scans OK. Don't know why XP makes things bolder than 2000, etc. ?

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