Backwards compatiblility and dependencies....



I have an Access application that I originally developed with Access 2000. I
recently built a new machine with Office 2003 Pro. My Access application is
now having problems with one of the controls I have in it. The CommonDialog
control is no longer working. The error I get is due to the fact that the
control no longer supports the properties and methods that I had it using.

When I try to add a CommonDialog control via Access 2003 I get a license
required to use this ActiveX control !?!?!

How do I fix this?


Scott McDaniel

You do need a license to use the Common Dialog control. Your old machine may
have had that license (especially if you had VB5/6 installed on it).
Regardless, the CD control is notorious for versioning issues such as this.
Most experienced developers use API calls to do this instead, and there are
no licensing issues when calling this. Check here for more info:

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