Backup database



Is there a way to write Visual Basic code to backup the database? I have a
command button that copies a table and then deletes some information from a
few fields, but I would like to make a copy of the entire database before I
run this code. I have been backing it up manually but would like not to. If
so, how do I write that? Thanks!


not if you have the database open -- that I know of anyway.

do something like this:

make a directory called BAK below the database directory

name the database like this:

dbname is a short identifier for the database
yymmdd is Year, Month Day
hhnn is Hour (24-hr clock) and miNutes

rename the database to the current date/time stamp before you open it

ctrl-drag the db to the BAK directory (make sure you are holding CTRL
when you let go of the mouse and a copy will be made)

you may wish to rename the backup to something like this:


then do your stuff!

I backup databases every hour or two while I am developing -- and more
frequently if I am deleting lots of data :)

Warm Regards,

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