"background" formatting possible?



Hi, is it possible to format a background which will stay put while you
manipulate your data cells / insert rows on top? That would be SO useful.
E.g. I have a big table of data, and just for visual purposes, I want every
3rd line to be coloured, to make the table easier to read (esp when printed).
However, if I update the table and add a row in at the beginning / middle,
then it messes up the formatting pattern thereafter.
Any way of having your formatting independent of data on top?



Try this as your conditional format formula


Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Hi, is it possible to format a background which will stay put while you
manipulate your data cells / insert rows on top?  That would be SO useful.
E.g.  I have a big table of data, and just for visual purposes, I want every
3rd line to be coloured, to make the table easier to read (esp when printed).
 However, if I update the table and add a row in at the beginning / middle,
then it messes up the formatting pattern thereafter.
Any way of having your formatting independent of data on top?


Try this as your conditional format formula
=mod(row(),3)=1 then select format - patterns and choose your color


the thing is, I already have other conditional formatting on some cells, and
when I add the formula format, the other conditional formatting seems to get

is there any other way of doing this?


How often do you add rows and would have to adjust the colorbars?....if not
really so often that you could not manually reset them, then you could use
something like ASAP Utilities, a free add-in available at

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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