Back Button: Hyperlink for ?



I have inserted a great image that I would like
to use for my "Back Button" at the bottom of my
page. And when the users click this "back button"
they will go back to their previous page that they viewed.
I would like to use this image. Under hyperlinks, what
is the specific hyperlink I need to use to make the page
go "back" when they click on this image. I would not
like to use any java scripts or bookmarks. I simply want
to enter a hyperlink that will send them back to the previous
page. Is there a hyperlink for this ? If not, what other
options do I have ? (But I would like to use this image) can
you guide me step by step. thanks, rick


You will use JavaScript.

In Hyperlink properties set the link to javascript:history.go(-1);
in code view, the link will be similar to:
<a href="javascript:history.go(-1);"><img src="backimage.gif"
width="30" height="15" alt="Back to previous page"></a>

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