


I have a spreadsheet where column A has the number of miles and column B has
the total cost. I want to find the cost per mile.
In cell C1 I've put =B1/A1 and I've got the cost per mile.

Obviously I want to copy this down to get a result for B2/A2 etc but all I
get is the same answer as is in cell C1.

Why is this? Any ideas out there?


Sounds like calc mode is in manual.
Press F9, does it compute properly?

To check/change calc mode,
click Tools > Options > Calculation tab
Ensure Automatic is checked > OK


You might have the calculation option set to manual - go to Tools |
Options | Calculation tab and ensure that Automatic is checked.

You might want to amend the formula slightly to:


to avoid getting #DIV/0? errors if you copy the formula too far.

Hope this helps.



Spot on, thank you so much.

Max said:
Sounds like calc mode is in manual.
Press F9, does it compute properly?

To check/change calc mode,
click Tools > Options > Calculation tab
Ensure Automatic is checked > OK

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