Averaging a row & dividing by only the qty. of cells with a value



I have a row of five cells - not all cells will be filled in. I need a
formula that will count only the cells that have a value and give me an
average of that number then multiply that average with another cell.

Ex: Cells A1, A3 have values. The formula should add A1:A5 but only divide
by 2 (number of cells with value).

If the total of A1 and A3 is divided by 5, my average will be diluted.


Ron Coderre

Have you tried this?:

The AVERAGE function disregards blanks and text.....

Does that help?


Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)

Ron Coderre

I'm glad I could help.....thanks for the feedback.


Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)

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