


My first question has been answered below, however I now have 3 more
questions. Along the same lines (I believe):

1) I am now wanting to compare the current Month vs. Average. I thought I
could use the same formula below, and then subtract the Avg. cell from the
current month cell, but that isn't seeming to work? Any ideas?

2). I would also like to have a formula to do the Delta % from Current
Month & Average that changes with each month as the average does below. But
that is not working either.

3) In the formula that was giving to me below, I am not understanding the
concept of these two things-can someone explain them (It does however work

Here is the entire formula:

Here are my questions:
Why multiply?

Why the dashes?

Thanks a bunch. :)


Beth, I'd approach this differently.

In cells R11:AC11 enter dates such as 1/1/2006, 2/1/2006, 3/1/2006 and
format them any way you like. For instance, the could format as Jan,
Feb, Mar as long as the underlying number is the first day of each
month in the current year.

In cell Q2, enter the first day of the month through which the average
should be calculated. 2/1/2006 would mean calc through Februrary.

Then to calculate the average, use the following formula:


The SUMPRODUCT to the left of the slash sums the values in row 12 for
all dates less than or equal to the date in Q2. The SUMPRODUCT to the
right of the slash counts the number of months that are less than or
equal to Q2.

Hope that helps.

- John

Bob Phillips

1) I am now wanting to compare the current Month vs. Average. I thought I
could use the same formula below, and then subtract the Avg. cell from the
current month cell, but that isn't seeming to work? Any ideas?

Sounds okay. What formula did you use?
2). I would also like to have a formula to do the Delta % from Current
Month & Average that changes with each month as the average does below. But
that is not working either.

Again, show us the formula.
3) In the formula that was giving to me below, I am not understanding the
concept of these two things-can someone explain them (It does however work

Here is the entire formula:

Here are my questions:
Why multiply?

Why the dashes?

They are used to coerce TRUE/FALSE results to 1/0 which SP can work on. I
have no idea why your responder used both, they could have stuck to one. See
http://www.xldynamic.com/source/xld.SUMPRODUCT.html for a detailed

BTW, I would the use the simpler, and more obvious


which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.


WOOPS!! I missed the part about it being an Array formula-works like a
charm. Thanks. Thanks for the Link as well.
1) I am now wanting to compare the current Month vs. Average (Cell AD). I thought I

=AVERAGE(IF($R$11:$AC$11<=S2,$R$14:$AC$14))-AD14 (Not working)
2). I would also like to have a formula to do the Delta % from Current
But that is not working either. The original formula I was using is
=1-(AC14/AD14) but that would mean I have to manually change this as well.
Wasn't wanting to do that...

Thanks. :)

Bob Phillips

A tad more detail might be useful.



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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