Average Grades and drop the lowest score



I am trying to do a grade book. I have four tests B4:E4, I need to drop the
lowest one and average the remaining three. I am to use the sum, min and
count functions, can anyone help me out? I would be sooooooooooooo grateful.


Modifying Jason's formula to satisfy your 3 conditions of using the SUM
MIN and COUNT functions, your final formula would be


Jason said:

Atlanta, GA

Myrna Larson

You used COUNTA instead of COUNT. I assume that's a typo, since both the SUM
and MIN functions ignored cells that don't contain numbers.


Hi all,

I must have the same assignment in my textbook, but I didn't have to
use the COUNT function, just the MIN and SUM functions. There is a
next part I am stuck on. Students are required to complete a
designated number of homework assignments(which is 12 and it is in cell
E19). Then receive a bonus or penalty for ever additional or deficient
home assignment. The bonus is added to the test average to determine
the semester average. The penalty for each assignment missing is 2 and
that info is in cell E20 and the bonus for each additional assignment is
1 and that info is in cell E21. Cell H4 is the bonus or penalty and I4
is the semester average.

Thanks alot for any help!

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