Average data for previous month



hi... i need a formula that will average the data for a previous month. i
tried using the below statement but it doesn't seem to work, please help.

Between Date( ) And DateAdd("M", -1, Date( ))



Where Format([DateFieldName],"mmyyyy") = Format(DateAdd("m", -1,


Isn't month represented by m and not M?
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thank you ever so much it works like a charm.

Ofer Cohen said:

Where Format([DateFieldName],"mmyyyy") = Format(DateAdd("m", -1,
Good Luck

Nero said:
hi... i need a formula that will average the data for a previous month. i
tried using the below statement but it doesn't seem to work, please help.

Between Date( ) And DateAdd("M", -1, Date( ))

Gary Walter

"Nero" <wrote:
hi... i need a formula that will average the data for a previous month. i
tried using the below statement but it doesn't seem to work, please help.

Between Date( ) And DateAdd("M", -1, Date( ))

if you want the full range of previous month, I'd use

[DateField] >= DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()) -1, 1)
[DateField] < DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()), 1)

Rick Brandt

Nero said:
thank you ever so much it works like a charm.

The solution posted by Gary Walters is the better way to go because it is a
more efficient query design. If you have an index on your date field Gary's
criteria will be able to utilize it whereas the other posted solution will
have to do a fiull table scan.

Not a big deal if the table is small and local, but could make a big
difference in larger networked tables. The rule of thumb is to never set
criteria against an expression if there is an alternative that lets you set
criteria directly against the field. As soon as you test against an
expression the query engine can no longer use any indexes. The problem is
that the less efficient methods are often easier to conceptualize and take
fewer keystrokes to implement so you see them used a lot.

Having an expression in the actual criteria (the right-hand side of the
expression) is fine as long as it does not contain references to other

John Spencer

To get the previous month try the following critera.

Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-1,1) And
DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()),1-1)

If your date field contains a time, then you will need to modify the above.

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