autosum question



In a column of numbers, autosum is ignoring a number that has a note
attached to it, for example:

3,564 (NOTE 3)

As I often have to add 'notes' as above, is there a way I can get autosum to
still count the number and ignore what's in parenthesis?




When you type 3,645 (note 3) you get in the cell '3,645 (note 3) the leading
apostrophe tells XL that what follows is text, not numbers.

Have you considered adding a comment to the cell(s) >INSERT >COMMENT?
This will give you a red tab on the cells affected so no need for the
bracketed comment above.

best regards


Try entering it in the cell as:

=3564+N("Note 3")
[with the equal sign]

It will appear as 3564 and autosum will add this number.

The "Note 3" can be read in the formula bar when the cell is selected
(or when cell is double-clicked)

Earl Kiosterud


The only way I know of to have text appear in a cell with a number, and be
able to use it as a number (as with the SUM function) is via formatting.
Put the number in its cell. Format - Cells - Custom. Do the number
formatting if needed (currency, etc.). Then whatever the formatting
currently is (e.g.: "General"), add your text, like:

General "(Note 3)"
0.00 "(Note 3)"
$0.00 "(Note 3)"

Far better is to put the note in a separate column.

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