Autostart query every day



You don't say if you DB will be open - so I assume it will not (ie. a backup
at night, send reports overnight, etc)

You can use xmacro - something like this.

msaccess.exe PathToDatabase /x NameOfMacro

If I have not understand your question please answer with more details.


You understand my question right (sorry for my English) 10x for the reply,
but can you help me more about this macro. I dont understand VBA at all



I you have a form that is open all the time you can use the form's timer to
run the macro

Something like this

Private Sub Form_Timer()
If Time() = #12:01:00 AM# Then
'place code here'
End If
End Sub

If the databsae is not open all the time you can use windows scedualer to
run it for you.
See this link for help (sorry no time at the moment);EN-US;230575

good luck

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