autosizing the forms height



I have got my form to open in a certain place (ctrl S) with a certian width.
I have set up the header, detail and footer heights. what i really need it
the details hieght that may grow to expaned and contract to suit the data
inside it. I'm sure that ive tried everything but not every combination. Can
anyone please help?

Rick Brandt

warren said:
I have got my form to open in a certain place (ctrl S) with a certian
width. I have set up the header, detail and footer heights. what i
really need it the details hieght that may grow to expaned and
contract to suit the data inside it. I'm sure that ive tried
everything but not every combination. Can anyone please help?

There is no automatic setting for this. You would need to use VBA code to
determine how much data there is and calculate from that what the size of the
section should be.

Can your form be manually resized? If you automatically do this in code then
you run the risk of a large data set making the form so large as to go off
screen at the bottom.


Thankyou Rick.
I think that manual would be ok i just thought that with all the options one
of them just nudges the details window to fit in all the data. It just looks
a bit ugly having a big form with little data.
Thank you very much for your reply,

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