Autosave Issue in Excel2000?



I'm using Office2000 with WinXP Pro. When Excel autosave goes off the screen changes to the first worksheet and I'm asked to save or skip. Picking skip leaves the first worksheet up on the screen and I have to hunt back to where I was editing. I've looked for disabling autosave under tools options etc. Searching through this forum it looks like I have to uncheck an autosave add-in to turn it off? Is it normal for Excel to change the sheet I'm working on and ask me if I want to save my work or is there a way to fix this annoying behavior

I was happy with Office97 and am only upgrading because my company is making me. While I'm at it, how do I get to the VB Help files for Excel from Office2000? Where did they go?

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure if it's normal, but it's the way autosave works!

IIRC, Tools|Autosave has a bunch of settings--including how often and even if
you want to use it. You should be able to disable it there. (I don't use
autosave, so I turned it off at tools|addins. I didn't want it even to load.)

You may want to take a look at Jan Karel Pieterse's AutoSafe (note spelling)

It doesn't overwrite the existing workbook when it saves. It saves to a user
selectable folder. And when it's done, it either deletes these backups (or puts
them in the recycle bin). And the user can always restore the backups from the
recycle bin.

(look for, not, for your purposes.)

You may like it better than xl's autosave.

And you can choose to install a bunch of stuff with xl2k. You can have it run
from the harddrive, run from the cd, load on first use or choose not to install

My bet is that it wasn't installed. If you try going into the VBE and using
help, does it load or just complain.

If it complains, try
Windows start button|Settings|Control panel|
add remove programs
Office 2k
and choose your options better <bg> than your IT department did!

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