Autopopulate TextBox1

  • Thread starter Todd Huttenstine
  • Start date

Todd Huttenstine

Hey. I have a number value in cell N1. I have a VBA textbox1 on userform1.
I want textbox1 to automatically populate with cell N1 value. How do I do

Thank you.

Todd Huttenstine

Dave Peterson

Something like:

Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.TextBox1.Value = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("n1").Value
'or if you have to format it:
Me.TextBox1.Value _
= Format(Worksheets("sheet1").Range("N1").Value, "mm/dd/yyyy")
End Sub

Todd Huttenstine

hey thank you. Can you tell me what the significance of the Me. is for?

Dave Peterson

It refers to the thing that holds the next object/property. In this case, since
the code is under a userform, it refers to that userform.

If you had code behind a worksheet (like worksheet_change), you could refer to
objects that are held on that sheet. (Me.range("a1") would be the same as
worksheets("sheet1").range("a1") if the code was under Sheet1.)

I use it because I'm lazy. When I type the dot after me, I get the intellisense
to help me complete my code.

Instead of having to type:
textbox1.value =
I typed:
and hit tab.
and got
I typed .v
and hit tab and got:
(if there are lots that start with the same set of letters, you can pick from
the list.)

Saves wear and tear on searching for typos.

Todd Huttenstine

because when I bring the userform up, it looks in that cell (cell N1) to
find what the next order number is. Cell N1 contains a formula and I dont
want to overwrite that formula because it is used for the next order. N1 is
always looking one ahead. I may be wrong but I thought if I linked it, then
whatever I typed would overwrite the cell N1. Having the textbox
autopopulate with the value of N1 is just a time saver.

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