Autonumber Suggestion



Hi all
I want to use Autonumber other than 1,2,3....

Actually I have made new database from the old database with everything
from scratch and different.At that time I have impoted last 1 year
results which were approx 45000.I have started the Id from 1 and now my
sample id and results have reached 70000 ( approx)

Due to some reasons I need the old results for last 7-8 years from old
database.Also in that old database the SampleID had started from 1 and
the results have been more than 200000.

Now I don't want the data to enter in my new database but import the
data from the old database into brand new database in my format,So
that I can link it with my present database and view the results.

can some one recommend which way is better.I was thinking of some
SampleID like A1,A2,A3....... so that it will not mix with my new
sampleId and show me results also


Van T. Dinh

Since you only want to view the old data, I think it may be simpler for you
to create linked Tables from the old database to the new database and simply
use the data via the linked Tables.

You mentioned that the new database has new format (I think you meant
different Table structure) but then if you can manipulate the old data to be
able to import it into the new structure, you can manipulate it the same way
for selection / viewing. After all, you need to select and to manipulate
before you can import the old data, anyway.

David F Cox

I am not sure what you are trying to achieve. If you are adding old data to
the new database it will have to be given a different key, as you know. One
way to handle this would be a new link table, which contained the key of the
data in the new database and the corresponding key in the old database so
that you could link the new and old data. This will make queries a little
more complex, but "special" key identities, if that is what you are
suggesting, often lead to trouble.

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