Automation with RTF


Alex Glass

Is there a way to create a new message in outlook and have the message
display RTF content, not plain text? I have no trouble creating the message
and setting the body format to RTF but I can't figure out how to display my
RTF text.

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated...


Do you mean to say that you want to programmatically change the fonts,
colors, etc. of text in the message body? If so, Outlook has no native
support for this. You'd have to use Word Mail as the message format and use
Word VBA to change formatting.

Otherwise, you can use a third-party tool like Redemption
(, which has a SafeInspector object with support for
automating Rich Text formatting (see

Alex Glass

What I mean is that i have an RTF file that has formatting applied and I
need to load it into Outlook.. It seems outlook supports RTF messages even
though im not sure if it supports its programatically


Yes, even if you read in the contents of an .rtf file (by using the
FileSystemObject.TextStream object, for example) into a Rich Text message,
the formatting isn't applied (you get the rtf gobbledy-gook).

AFAIK, you are stuck using Word Mail and Word VBA, or the Redemption
SafeInspector object.

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