Automating the creation and formatting of tables



I work for a small financial typesetters who are moving to word as a platform for productivity. I am formulating a template to automate the process of composing a new financial document with the view to produce revisions with blacklining, deletion marks and strikethroughs

I would like some advice on the quickest and easiest way of setting 2, 3, 4, 5, 6+ column tabs in the easiest way possible (i.e. using macro's/stylesheets). Automatically formatting these tables would be extremely benificial too. Such things to bear in mind include hanging numbers by decimal point, and hanging close brackets ")" outside the list of numbers within a table

Clients need to see corrections made to documents by way of blacklining, strikethroughs, and deletion marks. What is the best way of showing this. MS Word does not meet the standards my clients ask for. I have heard of a product called DeltaView by Workshare, and think this is the way forward.

I would very much appreciate your feedback and general views



Dayo Mitchell

For the tables, set them up formatted as you wish, then save as AutoText

One of these links should help you roll them out to all computers:

Maybe also useful for your environment?

For the corrections, I think Track Changes allows most of that, except I
forget what blacklining is, just learned it the other day, and don't know
how a deletion mark differs from strikethrough or change bars. If you are
in Word 2002, you need a macro to control the settings, the menu is more
limited then it should be. But I don't know anything re DeltaView and it
may well be your best solution, try googling for more info/reviews on that.


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