Automating tasks through Group Policy




I would like to automate a system wake up and a schedules task of defrag of
systems weekly. How would I go about doing this?

For example, I would like on Wednesday nights to wake all systems up (I have
code to do this I just need a way to get it to scedule for 2 nights a week)
and run a defrag. On a separate night, I would like the wake up lan code to
run from a system (it has all mac addresses of all sytem to wake up each
computer in the company) and have the weekly group policy to push out SUS
updates to run.

Does anyone have suggestions on how I can use Group Policy to do this? Let
me know. I look forward to any replies to this post.

Thanks in advance,

Toni P.


Thanks for this respone; however, I would like the WOL to run only on systems
in my SUS group in Group Policy rather than every system on the network. Is
there a way to do this instead and also to get the system to do a defrag.
Let me know.

Thanks in advance,

Toni P.

Andrew Mitchell

=?Utf-8?B?dHBlbm4=?= said:
Thanks for this respone; however, I would like the WOL to run only on
systems in my SUS group in Group Policy rather than every system on the

Use the method mentioned in that article but only assign the startup and
shutdown scripts to the group of computers you want to work this way.
Is there a way to do this instead and also to get the system
to do a defrag.

You could use the 'at' command in a startup script to acheive this. Try at /?
in a command prompt for details.

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