Automatically update spreadsheet from another spreadsheet



I have 8 sheets on one spreadsheet and I need to create individual
spreadsheets for each of the 8 sheets. The problem is I need the information
I put into the spreadsheet with all 8 sheets attached to update on the
individual spreadsheets.

How can I do this? I feel like I’m just missing a step in the normal
formulas that I use.


I'm not sure what 8 sheets on one spreadsheet means, but the macro below will
parse all data into rows of 10s (change to suit your needs) and create new
sheets for the results of each parse:

Sub PaserIntoHundreds()
Set sh = ActiveSheet
For i = 1 To 991 Step 10
Set rng = sh.Cells(i, 1).Resize(10, 1).EntireRow
Set sh1 = Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
rng.Copy sh1.Range("A1")
' optional
End Sub

I may be way off target here. Post back if you need something different.


Bernard Liengme

Assume the 8-sheet book is called My Book.XLS
In cell A1 of sheet1 of the first new workbook, enter
=IF('[My Book.xls]Sheet1'!A1="","",'[My Book.xls]Sheet1'!A1)
There are two sets of double quotes in the formula: double-quote
double-quote comma double-quote double-quote
Copy this to the right as far as needed
Now copy row 1 down as far as needed.
Every time you open the new workbook it will be updated to show what is in
My Book

Note that if you add new data to My Book beyond the columns/row for formulas
in the other books, the new stuff will not appear. It is generally
considered poor practice to store the same data in two places (other than
for backup, of course) There may be a better way if we knew the purpose of
this exercise.
best wishes


Sorry I wasn't clear - it's hard to explain in writing (or for me).
I have an 8 worksheets in 1 excel workbook. I would like to have 8 separate
workbooks but have them update automatically when I enter information into
the workbook with all 8 worksheets.

I figured out how to update by using Edit / Paste Link.

My problem now is that any cell that wasn't filled in from the main document
- shows up with zeros and now I am trying to figure out how to update the
separate workbooks without the zeros.

If NONE of this makes sense, I do apologize. I'm more of a talker than
typer. :)

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