Automatically Transfering Data from Excel to Word file



How can I automatically transfer data from Excel into an existing Word file
and automatically print it using one link in Excel?

Many thanks,


You could do it with a macro but that is not what I think you want. You can
add a link in your spreadsheet by adding a short cut to the word document
which willautomatically open the documentt. You will then have to manually
copy and paste the data into the word document. Add the link ad follows

Insert - Object - Create from file tab

Select Link to file and Display as ICON

Browse for word file. Select File then press OK.


You could copy the table from excel, then instead of usual paste, go to Edit,
paste special. paste it as Excel worksheet object and tick the paste link
option. this will automatically update all changes from Excel into your Word
document. then you can just print it. hope this helps.


Joel, Maggiec

Many thanks for your reply. Perhaps I have not made myself clear. I have
an excel sheet which has names and adresses. Within the datasheet, I have an
alert system, which tells me when someone has paid his rent by a certain
date. If the person pays by a certain date the alert goes green, if it is
outside the due date it will go red. What I want to do is:

1. Pick up the name and address or email address from the excel sheet and
send a reminder to the tenant that he/she has not paid his/her rent by the
due date. This reminder can be either a letter or an email.

So essentially once the warning date comes up, I want to click that cell
which will create and print the reminder or send an email.

Any help would be appeciated.

Thank you.

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