Automatically gray out rows when a particular field is populated


Bob Luck

I am trying to set up a spreadsheet wherein the far right column is the date
of completion of a particular task. I would like to have that row be
automatically grayed out when the field is populated with the date of
completion (far right column).

Dave Peterson

If greyed out means to apply shading to that row, you could use conditional

If your rightmost column is column Z, then select your range (A1:Z99)

And with the activecell in row 1:
formula is:
and give it a nice grey pattern.

(xl2003 menus)

Gord Dibben

How about Conditional Formatting?

Select the range to gray out then Format>CF>Formula is:

=$M1<>"" Format to light gray.

Assumes column M is date of completion. Adjust to suit.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Sat, 30 Aug 2008 08:13:01 -0700, Bob Luck <Bob

T. Valko

I am just a beginner, what goes between the <> and the ""?


<> is an operator that means: is not equal to

"" is the syntax for an empty string which means "blank".

So: =$z1<>""

Is a simple test that will return either TRUE or FALSE. In plain English it
means: Z1 is not equal to blank.

When that test is TRUE then the formatting is applied. When that test is
FALSE the formatting is not applied.

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