automatically change time in sheet 2, 3, and 4.


The Bird

I have a series of 25 plus telephone meeting that are held nationally. I want
to change the time in sheet one to EST and have sheets 2,3,and 4 change to
CST,MST, and PST automatically.


If you have the EST time in the first sheet, you will want to subtract 1 hour
for sheet 2, 2 hours for sheet three, etc.

If the time is in Sheet1!A1

The formula for CST is: =Sheet1!A1-(1/24)
MST: =Sheet1!A1-(2/24)
PST: =Sheet1!A1-(3/24)

Anytime you update the meeting time in Sheet1!A1, it wil automatically
change the time in the other sheets. Be sure and format the cells to show
the date/time.

Jerry Karp

I tried it and it didn't work. does the time in sheet 1 have to be a special format for it to work?

The Bird wrote:

automatically change time in sheet 2, 3, and 4.

I have a series of 25 plus telephone meeting that are held nationally. I wan
to change the time in sheet one to EST and have sheets 2,3,and 4 change t
CST,MST, and PST automatically.

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Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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Jerry Karp

I tried it and it didn't work. does the time in sheet 1 have to be a special format for it to work?

The Bird wrote:

automatically change time in sheet 2, 3, and 4.

I have a series of 25 plus telephone meeting that are held nationally. I wan
to change the time in sheet one to EST and have sheets 2,3,and 4 change t
CST,MST, and PST automatically.

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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