Automatically Append New Blank Row/Line/Record in Subform (Bounded Form)


Syed Ubaid


I designed a Hospital Billing System. Its working fine but during the
of this project I faced a problem which I also posted on this Newsgroup,
couldn't get any solution. The scenario is as follows:


Main & SubForms are bound to tables with 1 to Many relationship.This
Form (Subform) records SERVICES rendered on One Voucher. On a
single voucher 1 or more services may be rendered.

Now User Input Voucher # in Main Form with Date and after filling other
field on main form User records MULTIPLE SERVICES RENDERED
in Subform. As the user press any Single Key in first record of
A NEW BLANK Record/Line/Row is Appended in the subform.

I know that this is DEFAULT behavior of MS ACCESS table. But I want
to bypass this behavior. IN SUBFORMS Pressing any key SHOULD NOT
APPEND NEW BLANK RECORD in subform. New Row/Line/Record
SHOULD ONLY be appended when user press any specific button.

Hope this time I will get a reply.




If I understood you correctly, open the subform in Design View and set the
Allow Additions property to No.

I assume you will then use an Append Sql to add the data to the table. You
will need to Requery the subform after adding the data or it won't show

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