automatically added time at transition winter-summer time



In Europe, the transition from winter to summer time took place in 2007 on
march, 25th at 02:00.

Now if I insert a general time/date record into ACCESS 2002, SP3 with the
date/time "25/03/2007 02:xx", the time automatically advances by 1 hour and
in the database the record shows up as "25/03/2007 03:xx". This is not an
acceptable behaviour for my application, as I want to store UTC time series
in the database.

My question: how can I avoid this automatically adding of 1 hour to my time

Thanks a lot for your help,

P.S.: Insert is done with Matlab's "fastinsert" using database toolbox.


I have no idea what Matlab's "fastinsert" might be, but I can assure you
that it is not Access which is altering the time.

Maybe you are not actually entering the date/time at all and it is simply
being filled in as a result of a default value of Now() being specified in
the table design, in which case Access will simply insert the current system

Make sure that a date/time value is actually being specified in the insert.
Access will not alter it.

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