Automatic Updates



When I run Automatic Updates I get a Windows Update
Error: (0x800A138F). There are a few computers on the
network and they all get this error. Any ideas why?


NaresH KumaR

There are two solution for this problem:

Solution I:

Disable FireWall and Antivirus in your system.

a.. Right-click on My Network Places
a.. Select Properties
a.. Double click Local Network Connection or Modem
a.. Click Advanced
a.. Uncheck Internet Connection Firewall

Soltuion II:

deleting all of the content in Program Files\Windowsupdate and Program
Files\Windowsupdate\V4 except for the iuhist.xml file located in Program


I'll try the firewall solution but, I don't find the
Program Files\Windowsupdate
or the iuhist.xml file. I tried a search with no luck.
Are they on all XP machines?

-----Original Message-----
There are two solution for this problem:

Solution I:

Disable FireWall and Antivirus in your system.

a.. Right-click on My Network Places
a.. Select Properties
a.. Double click Local Network Connection or Modem
a.. Click Advanced
a.. Uncheck Internet Connection Firewall

Soltuion II:

deleting all of the content in Program
Files\Windowsupdate and Program

NaresH KumaR

I hope that you should have scanned your system even on the hidden file
paramater because the Update folder is hidden by default. (C:\program files\

If the foldere v4 is not there then there is chance that the folder itself
is not created. ie., the update initiation itself has not started and the
preparatory steps of creatig
V4 folder is not executed.

For more steps on troubleshooting this problem, please visit the URL given

NaresH KumaR

Hi, sorry for the delayed response.

I hope that you should should have checked your system for hidden files
becaue the Windows update folder is hidden by default. If still you are
unable to find c:\program files\WindowsUpdate\V4 folder then, the problem
may be with the creation of V4 folder itself. Once the scanning of update is
finished, the update folder (V4) will be created. Therefore the problem lies
here. The folder itself is not created, that is why the contents are not

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