automatic update



auto update is set to install updates at 3:am each day. I went in and also
clicked for microsoft to look for updates for other programs also. It
immediately showed be that there were several other important updates
-several of them were for office 2007 which is not installed on my pc. After
that update check I loaded MS Office 2003 on my machine which I owned from
the pc I just disopsed of. Then the auto update did a check and showed there
were several updates needed for office 2003. My question is this--will the
updates scheduled to install tonight that refer to office 2007 cause a
problem with my office 2003 that I just loaded--are these updates in
conflict with the ones for office 2003?


It may be that you have a component of Office 2007 installed, I assume you
dont have a trial version.
If you have multiple versions of Office installed, or their components, the
updates required will not conflict.


Thank you. I have not loaded any trial software on my pc and that is why I
was curious as to why updates for office 2007 would show up. I was thinking
that if I had loaded office 2003 before ever going out to look for updates,
maybe the 2007 stuff would not have come. Who knows?



If you manually run office/winupdate & then examine the updates it might
offer some clue

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