I have two spreadsheets in one file, one called
availabilty and the other percentage of use. All to do
with staff and companies.

In one column the lay out is mon, tues, wed, etc. and a 3
letter acronym of where that person has worked, say ARG
for a company called argos. These letters could be
anything by the way. There may be over a hundred people
working in different companies.

In the percentage file I need the availabilty to
automatically update, the name of the company and to count
how many times that company say (ARG) is present. It will
then work out how much % of my business is with each
company on a weekly basis. I am more or less sure I know
how to do this using =COUNTIF(F$5:L$169,"arg") But what i
am having to do, is amend the 3 letters each time for
every occurrance of a different 3 letters.

My spreadsheet now looks like this
3663 14
arg 34
bon 27

I have to type in the 3 letter name of the companies and
drag down the formulae and manually amend each record that
has been counted

any ideas anyone, thanks jc

Frank Kabel

change your formula to

where cell_reference is the cell with the company and drag this down.

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