Automatic Search executes at boot up



I am running an AMD 64 3200+ w/1GB memory a nd SP1,updates complete. I have
had this computer for almost two years and no problems (except SP2 which I
I installed the Wal-Mart photo program in order to send in pictures for
printing ,then pick them up at Wal-Mart. However, my pictures were too
large,over 5 MB per,and the program stated they were too large. So I
uninstalled the program. Now when ever I boot , the Windows Search program
starts running. To merely click the x for close the file only starts more
Searches to open. The only way I get it to stop is to use the
Control+alternate+delete,then stop program.
I 've attempted to restore from the previous day to all the way back to last
week without success.
I have completed the anti virus(up to date) scans, and ran anti spyware with
no luck.
I have also gone to the Help files at the Microsoft site. Nothing there
(that I could find).
Looking for some help please.


Pegasus \(MVP\)

I am running an AMD 64 3200+ w/1GB memory a nd SP1,updates complete. I have
had this computer for almost two years and no problems (except SP2 which I
I installed the Wal-Mart photo program in order to send in pictures for
printing ,then pick them up at Wal-Mart. However, my pictures were too
large,over 5 MB per,and the program stated they were too large. So I
uninstalled the program. Now when ever I boot , the Windows Search program
starts running. To merely click the x for close the file only starts more
Searches to open. The only way I get it to stop is to use the
Control+alternate+delete,then stop program.
I 've attempted to restore from the previous day to all the way back to last
week without success.
I have completed the anti virus(up to date) scans, and ran anti spyware with
no luck.
I have also gone to the Help files at the Microsoft site. Nothing there
(that I could find).
Looking for some help please.


Click Start / Run / msconfig.exe {OK}, then click the
Startup tab and untick the Search program.


Pegasus (MVP) said:
Click Start / Run / msconfig.exe {OK}, then click the
Startup tab and untick the Search program.
Only problem with that, after checking, is whis one is the search program?
I can't recognize it.


I removed everything. Still the Search programs starts..
The last three programs come back after I reboot, McUpdate(my antivirus),
McAgent, Mcaffee and ctfmon. They must be in the necessary range for

Pegasus \(MVP\)

So far you did a hit-and-miss repair process. Time to get serious.

- What is the name of this "automatic search program"?
- What exactly do you see on the screen?
- How does it appear in the Task Manager?
- Which process do you have to kill in the Task Manager
in order to close it down?

You can launch the task manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc.


I thought you guys had given up?

This is the Windows search program that one would use from the start button
when looking for something. The normal search windows opens while the
regular programs are settling in. I have noticed that it comes in rather
close to the head of the list. When I open task manager, ,it is listed as
"Search Results" (the only difference I notice is the small Icon magnifying
glass is not there when is starts on boot up)and I close it in the normal
fashion. Cannot close it any other way. It seems to be flickering,refresh
rate,when it us up on the screen.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

What do you mean with "given up"? You may not be
aware that respondents are volunteers and that they
may or may not be available, depending on their other

The process you refer to is a part of explorer.exe.
Why it launches I do not know - I suspect some
malware interference. You can kill it in a crude way
by running this batch file from a Command Prompt:
@echo off
taskkill /im explorer.exe /f


I think I have stumbled onto the problem.
The last Windows Update. Normally they have the title,and optional
(SP@2),then the update number. These last updates did not have the (sp2) in
there and I normally update my computer with them ,assuming that they are
(SP1),as they normally had been.
When I went into the control panel, they all had the notorious (SP2) on
them. Four each. I have uninstalled three of them but the fourth will not
allow me to uninstall it. KB810243 hotfix. It has also changed the borders
of my folders to the XP blue,which I never use as it requires unnecessary
Why won't it uninstall? Will I have to reformat my hard drive as I did on
the first round of SP2?


My 'Search for' window pops up in the upper right and takes about 20 to 40
cancels to get it to clear. Windows shows the last auto update was 14
October (5 Windows XP security updates and this matches the M$ Update web
page History) but this started on 9 nov out of the blue. Another feature
which started at the same time is all the ICONS on the desktop flickering at
about two or 3 times a second. They temporarily stop when I highlight the
Search window but restart moments later. They finally quit after clearing a
popup window for "new hardware found you must restart your computer" but
that window has been poping up for a couple of months and is there after
every reboot even though I've added no new hardware so I'm not sure how that
is related to the new problem of ICON flickers except the flickers stop after
I close it. Only one other problem is a Window which pops up explaining a
feature of XP was shut down and links indicate a Aug WXP fix was to have
solved the problem but never did so I continue to let it send Reports to M$

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