Automatic emailing of reports




I am a pretty new user to Access and am developing a database of employees.
I would like to run a report that summarises all the employee data and emails
each employee their individual information.

For example, there are 70 employees with data held such as First Name, Last
Name, Job title. Each employee should get a report with their data only.

Is it possible to do this? If it can be 'automated' to run when pressing a
command button, that would be great.


Yes. Create a macro and then create the action "SendObject" in the macro.
Add the report as the opject to send and it will autmatically be e-mail out.
Fill out the rest of the sendobject parameters. This works best if you are
using Microsoft Outlook as your e-mail application.

You can also create a AutoExec macro that has the action to send out objects
if a condition is met. An autoexec macro is automatically run each time you
open the access file.

Hope this helps.

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