Automatic Date Computation.



I'm working with a spreadsheet for product deliveries.
Each entry has a field for a 2-letter Port of Departure Code
(POD) in column G,
Factory Departure date (H), and arrival to Distribution Center Date(K)

After entering the POD code (there are 30 possibilities) and the
Factory date, I look at a chart that contains # of transit days from
each POD to the DC, then in column k " = (click on date in H)+ (# of
days from chart)" which gives me the date to the Distrib Center.
Can I set it up so all I need to enter is the POD and factory date and
the DC arrival date is entered automatically?


Create a table that contains the POD and # of transit days.
Use the vLookup function (see HELP for details) to add the transit days for
that POD to the Factory Date.
Gary Brown

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