Automatic Accepting of APpointments not working


Rachel Moreaux

I have 4 users that are set to automatically accept calendar items and the
appointments never get accepted. Sometimes they don't even get put on the
calendar at all. We are working with Exchange 2003 and a mixture of Office
2003 and Office 2007. ANy help would be appreciated.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Where do they end up?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, Rachel Moreaux asked:

| I have 4 users that are set to automatically accept calendar items
| and the appointments never get accepted. Sometimes they don't even
| get put on the calendar at all. We are working with Exchange 2003 and
| a mixture of Office 2003 and Office 2007. ANy help would be
| appreciated.

Rachel Moreaux

About 80% of the time, the appointment show up as tentative (when they should
show up as accepted) and the rest of the time, they don't show up at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



We are having the same issue. We use the following procedure:

On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click Calendar Options.
Under Advanced options, click Resource Scheduling.
Select the Automatically accept meeting requests and process cancellations
check box.

We set pemissions to owner for the meeting requester.

When I go to open the meeting request, I get promted to respond, even though
I told to automatically respond.

We have Outlook 2007, Exchange 2003, and Windows XP SP2 or # on the desktops.

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