Automated Email



I have fields that require dates. I need to send some type of reminder by
email or other ways to the person that owns the account. The field is filled
in about 75 days before the information is due. I need the reminder to be
emailed to the owner, whose name is in the form, a week before the due date.
I apologize if this is already answered....

Scott McDaniel

I have fields that require dates. I need to send some type of reminder by
email or other ways to the person that owns the account. The field is filled
in about 75 days before the information is due. I need the reminder to be
emailed to the owner, whose name is in the form, a week before the due date.
I apologize if this is already answered....

You can use DoCmd.SendObject to send an email. This will, however, trigger the Outlook security warnings (if you're
using Outlook, that is). There are other ways to send email, but from your name I'd presume you want to keep this as
simple as possible. Check online help for info on SendObject.

To do this at a predetermined date, you'd need to use either a recordset or DLookup to grab the due date, then compare
that with the current date using the DateDiff function:

If DateDiff("d", Nz(DLookup("DueDateField", "TableName"),0), Now) >= 75 then
'send the email
End If

You might do this when the database opens, or when a user clicks a button ...

Scott McDaniel

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