Automated copy of a block of cells



I have a workbook with 4 worksheets total. Three of which are formatte
exactly the same representing 3 different data sets. The data in eac
sheet is contained within G3:AK50. The fourth worksheet is used t
preform calculations on the data in each of the other 3 sheets, so th
block of data (G3:AK50) is copied from a sheet into the fourth sheet.
I would like to automate this so that based on say a drop-down list o
the fourth sheet, by selecting one of the other 3 data worksheets thei
data would be populated into the 4th worksheet so the standard set o
other calculations could be performed on that data set. Any ideas o
how to copy blocks of cells from other sheets to a sheet based on
cell value?



JE McGimpsey

an alternative:

On your 4th sheet, create a cell with a validation dropdown that lists
the sheets, say in cell G2.

Then select G3:AK50 and array-enter (CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER or CMD-RETURN)

=INDIRECT(G2 & "!G3:AK50")

then you can just change G2 and sheet4 will operate on the specified
sheet (1 to 3).

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