Automated contract received/accepted/loaded spreadsheet design HELP NEEDED


Nick Marcell


I am trying to create a tracking spreadsheet where I can track the
various stages of incoming contracts. Currently I have thought that the
main stages that need tracking are, The receiving of the contract, the
acceptance(or not) of the contract and the loading of the contract.

There are various fields in the spreadsheet but the main part I need
help with is to somehow write a macro that will send an email to the
person who sent the contract letting them know when their contract
reaches each stage.

Whatever help I can get will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance


Bob Phillips


You could trap the change event on those three fields and send the workbook
with a suitable subject (the stage). You would need to know the recipient as
identified in your mail system, so that would need to be on the sheet as
well and pick it up from there.

Do you have many contracts per spreadsheet, or is it a one-for-one?


Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in email address with googlemail if mailing direct)

Nick Marcell


I was thinking of trying to have all contracts in the spreadsheet maybe
with the different stages in different sheets.

Bob Phillips

As you will have many, I don't think you can use Sendmail, that will send
the shale sheet. Do you have Outlook?


Bob Phillips

(replace whole in email address with googlemail if mailing direct)

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