Automate VPN connection from ASP.Net


David Lozzi


Here's my scenario. My workstation is my development server. Some of the
databases used are located in other offices to which I need to VPN to. Once
VPNd in, I can run the web application successfully.

Here's my issue. I have customers connecting to my workstation through IE to
view their application. I need to ensure that I manually connect the VPN to
the database server for my customer to successfully run their application.

Here's my question. Is there a way to automate a VPN connection from ASP.NET
or a web service if necessary so that when a request is made and the
database server is not found, that it makes the connection on the "web
server" (my workstation) to the correct database server? This is all server
side so permissions shouldn't be an issue for the client. Also, returning
some sort of a status for the customer would be nice too, like: Connecting
to database, please wait.

Thanks a million!

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