Autofilter with VBA for Catalog?



I'm sorry if this has been covered before. I searched the archives a
far back as June of 2003 and then my eyes started going googly so
thought I should just ask.

I have just finished entering a long list of 'catalog' type products i
a worksheet. The intent of this is to give our sales people an easy t
follow method of determining the correct part number to order. Th
data has column headers such as: Tester, Manufacturer, Model number
etc. As you can probably guess, a manufacturer will only have certai
models and so on.

Now that the table is complete, Autofilter works nicely for onl
allowing you to select criteria that is applicable to previousl
selected criteria (Brand X only has Model No. 1, 2 and 3 for example).
Unfortunately, my goal is to separate the long list of data from th
end user of this sheet. So I have created a form on another workshee
that I would essentially like to have mimic the autofilter filter quer
in comboboxes. I have learned how to pass data INTO the autofilter bu
have no idea how to query the autofilter to get the current list o
available choices and dynamically update the combobox (and subsequen
combo boxes in the form for that matter).

Is this possible?

Also, as Part 2:
I have a field that does a SUBTOTAL(3,range) to calculate the number o
results returned from the autofilter. When the total is less than
results, I would like to display the complete data for those 5 result
on the user data entry form. How can I pass only the range of th
autofiltered results to the form?

Thanks for all your help!

Bob Phillips

I am not sure that I completely follow, but I have an example workbook that
does automatic filtering based upon selection criteria.

Mail me direct if you want a copy (not the anti-spam message in my email
footnote signature).



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Hi Bob, I'm interested but couldn't find your email address in th
message. :confused:


Bob Phillips

It is not in the email, it is in the posting header, the email tells you how
to adjust it.

Anyway, it is

bob . phillips @ tiscali . co . uk

just remove the spaces

Sorry, spam paranoia.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips

I think you mailed me but I lost your email address. Could you send again?



Bob Phillips said:
It is not in the email, it is in the posting header, the email tells you how
to adjust it.

Anyway, it is

bob . phillips @ tiscali . co . uk

just remove the spaces

Sorry, spam paranoia.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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