autofilter/formatting problem




Very strange. I am working on a CSV and want to run an autofilter on a
column. For some reason the column (currently formatted as one
currency) won't allow changes to formatting or return any values on
the autofilter. Sheet is not protected nor is any error thrown, just
doesn't change formatting or find matching records.

Any help appreciated


Earl Kiosterud


Most likely, the stuff is text, not numbers. Number formatting has no effect on text.
Imports usually bring stuff in as text. If you change the file extension to .txt, then open
it, it invokes the Text Import Wizard, where you can specify number typing for such columns.
Also look for spaces or other unprintables in the contents (try moving the cursor in the
formula bar).
Earl Kiosterud

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top-posted, the thread gets messy. When in Rome.

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