Autofilter for movie database




I am using Excel to create a database for my extensive VHS collection.

Currently i have the following headlines for the movies: Number,
Title, Subtitles, Genre, IMDB Score, My own score.
Like this:

Nr. Titel Subtitles Genre IMDB My own score

3 Once upon a time in America DK Drama 8,3 8
4 Scary Movie 2 DK Comedy 5,1 5
5 Last Boyscout DK Drama 7,9 8
Now i can use the autofilter on all of the categories, but what if i
want to add more genres to each movie? I need to be able to filter on
it. I tried adding multiple genres seperated by ; but it didn't work.
If I filtered on drama and the coloum said Drama; Action i didn't show
up when i filtered on either of them. Anyone got an idea of what i can

Debra Dalgleish

From the AutoFilter dropdown, choose Custom
In the Custom AutoFilter dialog box, from the first dropdown, choose
In the text box, enter a genre
Click OK

T. Valko

When you filter on Genre, select Custom>Contains and in the little box next
to it type the genre you're interested in.
