


Item Number Description Unit Cost
DC-1037 Large Dish $1,000.00
DC-1010 Medium Dis $500.00
DC-1017 Small Dish $250.00

The above table is called Item Table

I have a form that has two combo boxes, 1 called Item Returned (which is the
Item Number field) and the other called Unit Price (which is the Unit Cost
field). I would like when the Item Returned field has been selected from the
combo box for it to update the Unit Price field. Both these selections must
udate the corresponding fields in the table that the form is based on.

I have been working with (me), but just can't seem to get it right.

Wayne Morgan

Why two combo boxes? From the description you've given, these two combo
boxes should have a one-to-one relationship. If that is the case, you could
just use an additional column in the first combo box. If you want it
displayed as well, set a textbox next to the combo box and set the Control
Source of the textbox equal to the column you want displayed from the combo


The Column number is zero based, so 0 is the first column, 1 is the second,

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