


Has anyone noticed a problem with AutoComplete now being case sensitive when
using a combo box? We started to get this behaviour after installing IE7.

To reproduce this behaviour, create a new form with a combo box and set as
Row Source Type = Value List
Row Source = John Smith;John Turpin;John Yates

Open the form and with Caps Lock OFF start to type john y and it picks up
John Yates correctly

Now with Caps Lock ON do the same.

This behaviour only happens with IE7.
If you have IE6 then case doesn't seem to matter.

John Vinson

Has anyone noticed a problem with AutoComplete now being case sensitive when
using a combo box? We started to get this behaviour after installing IE7.

YOW!!! That's going to seriously break some of my clients' apps...

Thanks for the warning, I'll check this out!

John W. Vinson[MVP]


YOW!!! That's going to seriously break some of my clients' apps...

Yes thats what I thought.
If anyone knows of a setting that you can switch off that will fix the
problem then please let me know.
In the meantime I've put the following code in the combo box's KeyPress
event to work round the problem:

KeyAscii = Asc(LCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))


Brendan Reynolds

I wasn't able to reproduce this in Access 2003. I was able to reproduce it
in Access 2007, but I was able to fix it by turning of AutoCorrect on the
combo box - which is, in my opinion, generally a good idea anyway.


Thanks for responding.

We're using Access XP (2002) and your suggestion to turn off AutoCorrect for
the combo box also works for me too.

The annoying thing though is that I have a dozen or so applications that I
now need to "FIX" that worked perfectly before we installed IE7

Oh well.

What would save me a lot of time would be find the global setting that IE7
has set so we could un-set it (through Group Policy) to correct the problem
with zero effort from me.

Has anyone any ideas?


Brendan Reynolds

It may not be as simple as a changed setting. The change in behaviour may be
due to IE7 installing a new version of a common DLL. Of course, I could be
wrong, so it might be worth asking the question in an IE forum such as ...

If all else fails, this might help to take some of the pain out of updating
those apps ...

Public Sub AutoCorrectOff()

Dim aob As AccessObject
Dim frm As Form
Dim ctl As Control

For Each aob In CurrentProject.AllForms
DoCmd.OpenForm aob.Name, acDesign, , , , acHidden
Set frm = Forms(aob.Name)
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Then
ctl.AllowAutoCorrect = False
End If
Next ctl
DoCmd.Close acForm, aob.Name, acSaveYes
Next aob
MsgBox "Finished!"

End Sub


I did post the same question in the newsgroup you suggested but unfortunately
haven't had any response.

I never thought of using code to change the combo boxes setting so thanks
for the sample code as this will indeed save some time. Cheers


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