Autocomplete + GPO?



I have a problem where I had mailboxes detached from user accounts in the
active directory. As a result, there are heaps (30+) addresses that are now
"old and wrong" and users are autocompleting and thus sending to failed

I would like to find a way that I can clear/reset the autocomplete cache via
a GPO.
I have heaps of "other" policys - so applying one is not a problem - but I
can't seem to find any entries in any of the outlook.xx adm templates.
(outlook 2002/outlook2003 users)

Any suggestions?
(Obvioulsy deleting the N2? file is not feasible in a 300+ node network...
so GPO is the *logical* way to do this)

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

GPO may be logical, but out of the box, it doesn't do file deletions, AFAIK, and that is what is required to clear the autocomplete cache. (See for very cool tools to extend GPO).

I'd use a login script to delete all of the user's .nk2 files.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Is there a "standard" place for these files to save?

ie.. %system_root%\system32\*.n2k ???

I can do that in the login script - but only if it is in a standard place..


I'm coming in on the end of this post. However, it would seem that you are
having issues with NK2 files you might want to contact us at We have a complete set of tools that can most likely
help you.


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