Autocomplete burned out?



Hello, I've been having a problem for awhile now where
autocomplete WILL NOT save anything I type, in the
internet options tab all the boxes are checked and I get
a prompt to ask me if I want to save the form, password,
ect., I click yes but it still doesn't save it. I just re-
installed windows xp after formating the HD and it still
won't work, anyone know how to turn the thing on for real?

Windows XP Home
HP pent 4

Richard Urban

Yes, auto complete does wear out after time! (-:

In actuality, the information is usually saved in "cookies". If you have the
browser set to automatically delete cookies upon shutdown, or if you are
using a 3rd party program, such as SpyBot", it will delete cookies if not
configured to save the ones you desire to keep.


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

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