Autocomplete across several worksheets in the same workbook?


Colin Hayes


I have a workbook of 12 worksheets. I use autocomplete regularly.

The problem is that it only looks for autocomplete in the same
worksheet. When I go on to worksheet 2 , I have to start again. It would
be nice if the autocomplete function carried on over into the second
worksheet , so that it could autocomplete using the entries made on
worksheet 1. Or indeed on any of the others...

Is it possible to so this? Or does anyone know of an addin that would
help? I did search on the net but found nothing so far.

Any advice gratefully received.

Best Wishes

Gord Dibben


Autocomplete works only on a column in a worksheet

And then in most cases, only on contiguous data below or above the insertion

There is no autocomplete function across workbsheets or columns of one sheet.

Do not know of any add-ins available.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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