Autochk program not found, C000021a {Fatal System Error}



After installing a 2nd hard drive (Maxtor) and going
through the process of formatting the drive (using Max
Blast II) I rebooted my PC and received the following
messages. I need to know how I can recover from this. It
will not allow me to access windows, but I can use a start
up disk I created prior to this happening to get a DOS
prompt. The only thing is, I can only recognize the A:
drive using the DOS commands. I can't switch to any other
drives by issuing the "C:" command. Any assistance in
this would be greatly appreciated. I have a DELL
Deminsions running XP. The original hard drive is still
my C: drive. My boot sequence is floppy, hard drive, CD-
ROM, Intel UNDI. My copy of WINDOWS XP (Home) was an
OEM. I do have a CD for recovery but I need to make sure
the system will boot from the CD first. I'm not a PC
expert when it comes to the operating systems and what to
do so respond in detail if you know what to do. Thanks


autochk program not found

STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}

The session manager initialization system process
terminated unexpectedly with a status of Oxc000003a
(Ox00000000 Ox00000000).
System has been shut down.

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