


Today a user experienced a situation where a spreadsheet that he had open did
not calculate properly. The auto-calculate function was turned on, but
when inputs were changed, the final results would remain unchanged until
he hit the "super-calculate" function (control-alt-f9). He would then
watch the final results change.

He had another excel file open at the time (Note: these files were not
linked). When he closed this file, the problem corrected

Don Guillett

The other sheet was probably opened first and reset calculation to manual..
Check it's options.

Lady Layla

How large was the file that acted up? I have seen this problem surface with
large spreadsheets that have many calculations

: Today a user experienced a situation where a spreadsheet that he had open did
: not calculate properly. The auto-calculate function was turned on, but
: when inputs were changed, the final results would remain unchanged until
: he hit the "super-calculate" function (control-alt-f9). He would then
: watch the final results change.
: He had another excel file open at the time (Note: these files were not
: linked). When he closed this file, the problem corrected
: itself.


I spoke with the user and he told me that he knew that because "calculate"
would appear on wb at the bottom left. He also said that F9 should calculate
the wb when set to manual, but he had to do a Crtl+F9. Is there any other
possible cause and solution? Thanks

Don Guillett

Open the destination wb first or put a change to automatic calculation in
the workbook_open and/or auto_open

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