Auto Signature



Hi there...

When we use the audo signature feature of gmail, there is a small
problem. For a new message, the signature is appended at the bottom of
the message and that is perfectly fine. However, for a reply or forward
also, the signature is appended at the bottom of the message instead of
putting it at the bottom of the new message, above the reply or forward
text (as MS Outlook does, for example). Does this require any settings
change in the auto signature (I don't see any such options available,
though) or is it a bug in gmail?

Thx & Regards

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

it's not a bug - it's how some mail clients do it - and it's as acceptable
as the way outlook does it -in fact, that used to be the preferred

if you want the signature about the quoted section, collect gmail in

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