Auto Save



Is there any add-ins or is there an option to make the
auto save behave the same way in 2000 where the auto save
dialogue box pops up asking you if you would like to
autosave the file and the interveral until the next
message appears ? At the moment in 2002 the dialogue box
does not appear.


Lady Layla

2002 actually has Autorecovery which is even better than autosave.

: Is there any add-ins or is there an option to make the
: auto save behave the same way in 2000 where the auto save
: dialogue box pops up asking you if you would like to
: autosave the file and the interveral until the next
: message appears ? At the moment in 2002 the dialogue box
: does not appear.
: Thanks.

Dave Peterson

Autosave has been removed from xl2002. It's been replaced (kind of) with a
feature called AutoRecovery. This catches catastrophic problems--excel crashing
and windows crashing--but not quite the same thing as autosave.

But if you still have access to the autosave from xl97 or xl2k, you'll find that
it still works with xl2002.

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