Auto populate the logon box with default user



Is it possible to make the same default user name appear in the windows logon box each time, regardless of who logged on last time. I dont need it to auto logon, I just need the same name to be in the username box at logon. I'm assuming there should be a registry value for this but I havent found anything yet. I also assume its possible to automatically populate the domain part of the logon box also, so by default the same domain name is specified each time and not just the last one used.



Tim Rains [MSFT]

Hello. Thank-you for your post.

Windows 2000 allows you to configure the behavior of this dialog box two
1) By default, the last user name used to logon the system is displayed.
2) The user name is blank.

In Windows 2000, this behavior is controlled using this registry key:


Value Name: DontDisplayLastUserName
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 0 = Display last logged on user name
1 = Don't display last logged on user

If you want behavior different from this, you need to build your own custom
msgina.dll. More details on this are available at this link:

I hope this helps.

Tim Rains
Product Support Services
Microsoft Corporation

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