Auto Pick from Value List based on CheckBox



I have a Value List in a field, that I want to automatically pick "N/A" if:

CheckBox1 is checked AND Checkbox2 is checked.

If both are checked, the Value List should choose "N/A" and the user should not be able to change the field and the tab should just bypass that field

Thank you in advance.

Blaire Comrie

Public Function ChkBox(ValueOne As Boolean, ValueTwo As Boolean) as Boolean
Dim State As Long
State = ValueOne + ValueTwo
Select Case State
Case -2
MsgBox "Both True"
'Code to respond goes here
Case -1
MsgBox "One True One False"
'Code to respond goes here
Case 0
MsgBox "Both False"
'Code to respond goes here
End Select
End Function

Hope this helps.

Sara said:
I have a Value List in a field, that I want to automatically pick "N/A" if:

CheckBox1 is checked AND Checkbox2 is checked.

If both are checked, the Value List should choose "N/A" and the user
should not be able to change the field and the tab should just bypass that


Sorry, I'm not a programmer, so I don't understand what to put where you say "code to respond here"

Could you be more specific? Thanks

----- Blaire Comrie wrote: ----

Public Function ChkBox(ValueOne As Boolean, ValueTwo As Boolean) as Boolea
Dim State As Lon
State = ValueOne + ValueTw
Select Case Stat
Case -
MsgBox "Both True
'Code to respond goes her
Case -
MsgBox "One True One False
'Code to respond goes her
MsgBox "Both False
'Code to respond goes her
End Selec
End Functio

Hope this helps

Sara said:
I have a Value List in a field, that I want to automatically pick "N/A if
should not be able to change the field and the tab should just bypass tha

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